Are you afraid to see your dentist?

Are you afraid to see your dentist because you don’t want to face pain or the unknown diagnosis about your dental problems? Well, you’re not alone. Did you know that dentists can now do many procedures free of pain? With laughing gas (anesthesia), you can sit back and get all the dental care you need without feeling anything. All you need to do is tell your dentist your concerns and fears and discuss a plan that works best for you.

During the summers of 2015 to 2017, I had the privilege to shadow dentists. I noticed that children, and some adults, were afraid of the dental staff. By talking openly with your dentist about your fears, you’ll be surprised that you have many pain-free options to choose from!

The ultimate goal is for you to feel stress free so that you can get the proper dental care that you need.

Drinking coffee can cause tooth loss.

Did you know that  drinking coffee every day is associated directly with tooth loss? The caffeine from coffee can inhibit the development of osteoblast, the cell that makes your bones. It can also provoke osteoporosis, which can cause tooth loss A study on coffee intake as a risk indicator for tooth loss in Korean adults showed that 69% of coffee drinkers have 20 teeth or less. Be careful what caffeinated drinks you consume because there is a clear correlation between coffee drinking and losing teeth.

Children’s oral hygiene is important.

It is very important for children to have good oral hygiene. Maintaining great oral health habits allows children to thrive in their relationships, improve their psychological well-being, and help themselves excel in academic performance. It is imperative that a child is encouraged to practice great oral health habits, so that they can prevent themselves from developing any type of oral disease. Having excellent dental health allows a child to grow and develop key social and physical attributes that include speaking, smiling, eating, breathing, and the ability to socially adapt to their environment.

By teaching your child good oral hygiene at an early age, you’ll give them a gift that may save their lives! Instill daily routines of brushing, flossing, and waterpicking that become regular habits.  They’ll enjoy a lifetime of clean teeth, fresh breath, and good overall health. Check out my website to learn more about proper ways to take care of your children’s teeth (Oral Hygiene) and what diseases that you may potentially protect your child from (Link to Diseases).

Why is toothpaste so important?

It seems as if toothpaste has been around since the beginning of time. For many of us we have been told to brush our teeth every morning and evening with toothpaste so many times growing up that it just became a routine, and we never really took the time to realize why toothpaste is so important to our oral health and overall health.

Toothpaste is important because it helps fight gum disease, calculus, cavities, tooth erosion, hypersensitivity, and malodor. Toothpaste contains fluoride. Fluoride has been proven to prevent cavities and control them. Brushing your teeth twice a day with minimal fluoride toothpaste on your toothbrush will ensure the prevention of cavities and the risk of fluorosis from ingesting too much fluoride toothpaste by accident.

Toothpaste is by far the most effective dental hygiene substance that is needed to maintain and preserve your teeth. By not using toothpaste you will definitely damage your oral health and put yourself at risk of damaging other parts of your body.

Check out my New Year’s Resolution.

Want a New Year’s Resolution that is easy to do and can positively affect your life? Meditate for 10 minutes each day. Meditation is an excellent exercise that can help a person develop their best inner self. It positively impacts your overall health by slowing down biological age by improving telomerase activity and telomerase length.

My New Year’s Resolution is to meditate every morning. For me, it improves my ability to focus, compartmentalize, and power through my day. Did you know that meditation can reduce stress, anxiety, depression and it can improve memory and efficiency? So I challenge you to meditate every day — make this your New Year’s Resolution!

For teens, an orthodontist can boost your self-esteem.

Between the ages of 11 and 14, I went through the growing pains of wearing braces on my teeth. Although I was eager to get them on my teeth at first, after a year of wearing them I couldn’t wait to get them off to see the positive results. Getting braces is a very smart investment because it not only gives you a beautiful smile, but also enhances your entire physical appearance and helps boosts your self-esteem.

During those early teenage years most males and females are struggling with trying to determine who they are and to be accepted by their peers. Physical disparities like crooked and misaligned teeth can make young teens insecure about their smiles and ultimately their entire physical appearance.

Overall, the orthodontist can improve your appearance with braces, which can have a positive psychological impact on you. This will improve your self-esteem, confidence, and social involvement.