What causes dental pain?

Dental pain can be caused by tumour inflation, infection, or trauma. Periodontal disease; which can be identified by a particular bad breath smell, is a leading cause in dental pain. The bacteria; P gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans, are the  leading causes of gum disease and have become resistant to many of the standard treatment tests. 

 Proper dental knowledge is critical in order to identify and treat facial pain causes. There are several tests that can be used in order to properly diagnose dental pain. They include the pulp sensitivity test, percussion test, probing, mobility test, palpation, sinus formation, and radiographic examination. By properly diagnosing the dental pain issue, specific treatment can be assessed in order to resolve the issue.


The benefits of pediatric dentistry.

Pediatric dentistry is the dental specialty that focuses solely on the oral health treatment of infants and young children. These dental specialists are able to effectively notice and diagnose any potential diseases that they detect in the child’s mouth. The main benefits of pediatric dentistry are known as their six-step protocol that every infant and young child must go through in a dental visit: Cavity risk assessment, proper child positioning, age appropriate toothbrush cleaning, clinical examination of the child’s mouth, fluoride treatment, and guidance & counseling based upon the individual’s oral health conditions. 
