Is teeth whitening good for my teeth?

There are two categories that teeth staining are categorized into: intrinsic staining and extrinsic staining. Intrinsic staining is the result of age, genetics, antibiotics, high levels of fluoride, and developmental disorders. Extrinsic staining is due to smoking, pigments in drinks and foods, iron, copper, and antibiotics. Both of these teeth staining types can be dealt with effectively by whitening toothpaste, OTC whitening strips and gels, whitening rinses, tray-based teeth whitening, and in-office whitening. Whitening toothpaste does not contain bleach and is harmless, OTC whitening strips and gels use a thin layer of peroxide gel applied twice a day for thirty minutes and are harmless, whitening rinses contain harmless amounts of hydrogen peroxide and require you to rinse twice a day for a month before you see clear results, tray-based teeth whitening contains carbamide peroxide bleaching gel and requires 2 to 4 hours as instructed. It’s also strong and can whiten your teeth one to two shades. Then lastly you have in-office whitening, which is something I personally experienced. It is quick and harmless, when used correctly by a professional, and it delivers high amounts of peroxide to your teeth.

At the end of the day it is honestly up to the patient whether they want to get their teeth whitened. I can say from personal experience that in-office whitening will be a great investment to your teeth, and you will definitely be pleased with your beautiful smile.

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